Monday, September 5, 2016

Passion of Slow Fire (1961)

French title: La mort de Belle
dir. Edouard Molinaro

The flamboyant English title is somewhat misleading. The film is an adaptation of Georges Simenon's novel The Death of Belle. It's a modest little film but the writer's fans might want to check it out.

Stéphane Blanchon's (Jean Desailly) house – Still searching for this location. It's most likely around Jussy and Meinier.

The school where Blanchon teaches – International School of Geneva, Route de Chêne 62, Geneva, Switzerland.

Belle (Alexandra Stewart) and her boyfriend’s university – University of Geneva, Rue de Candolle, Geneva, Switzerland.

"Little Cottage" Inn – Still searching for this location.

The Forensic Institute – Institut de Médecine Légale, Boulevard d’Ivoy 38, Geneva, Switzerland. The building was demolished some time ago, the area was replanned, and what’s remained of the old boulevard is now called the Passage de la Radio.

Blanchon follows Belle’s boyfriend – Rue du Puits-Saint-Pierre at Rue Jean Calvin, Geneva, Switzerland.

Rue Jean Calvin, Geneva, Switzerland.

The boyfriend’s apartment – Rue Jean Calvin 17, Geneva, Switzerland.

The church that Blanchon and his wife go on Sundays – Temple de Jussy, Chemin de la Laiterie 4, Jussy, Switzerland.

Investigating magistrate Beckmann (Jacques Monod) buying lunch – Quai du Mont-Blanc at Rue Docteur-Alfred-Vincent, Geneva, Switzerland.

Beckmann talking with Blanchon – Quai du Mont-Blanc, Geneva, Switzerland.

Blanchon leaving the magistrate’s office – Palais de Justice, Place du Bourg-de-Four, Geneva, Switzerland.

Blanchon looking at a pretty girl as she passes by – Rue de la Croix-d'Or, Geneva, Switzerland.

Blanchon follows the girl into a passage – Rue de la Croix-d'Or 17-17A-19-19A, Geneva, Switzerland. The passage apparently used to connect Rue de la Croix-d'Or and Rue Neuve-du-Molard but there's no outlet there anymore.

Blanchon looks into a bar – Rue Neuve-du-Molard 24, Geneva, Switzerland. The bar was called Le Don Juan but the building has since been demolished and replaced with a new one.

The bar where Blanchon runs into Beckmann's secretary Alice Graff (Yvette Etiévant) – Rue du Rhône 86, Geneva, Switzerland. Several buildings on this side of the street have since been demolished and replaced with modern buildings.

Blanchon and Alice getting into a car – Rue du Rhône 43, Geneva, Switzerland.

The farm where Blanchon’s neighbor tries to strangle a girl – Still searching for this location.

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