Films by Location

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Day of the Locust (1975)

dir. John Schlesinger

San Bernardino Arms where Tod Hackett (William Atherton) meets wannabe actress Faye Greener (Karen Black) – this was a studio set built on the Paramount backlot and was modeled on the Parva-Sed Apta Apartments at 1817 N. Ivar Avenue, where author Nathaniel West stayed in 1935 and where he began writing The Day of the Locust.

The movie studio – Paramount Studios, 5451 Marathon Street, Los Angeles, California. This is the Bronson Avenue gate. You can no longer get close to the famous gate (unless you have a business at the studio or book a tour), it can only be admired from a distance.

The used cars lot – Still searching for this location.

Tod and Faye taking pictures in front of a Hollywood mansion – Still searching for this location. The second shot is a view onto the street from the mansion's driveway.

The Hollywood sign – just two letters of the sign were recreated in a more accessible area of Hollywood Hills.

Tod and Faye driving after a party – Still searching for this location

Madame Audrey’s brothel – 1240 Cerro Crest Drive, Beverly Hills, California.

Tod gives Harry Greener (Burgess Meredith) a lift – Whitley Avenue looking south, Los Angeles, California.

Harry tries to sell his patented medicine to a lady – 6642 Whitley Terrace, Los Angeles, California.

Harry peddling his medicine in another house – 6735 Wedgewood Place, Los Angeles, California.

Homer Simpson’s (Donald Sutherland) house – 4911 College View Avenue, Los Angeles, California

The Big Sister’s temple interior – Hollywood Palladium, 6215 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California

Harry’s funeral – Mausoleum of the Golden West, Inglewood Park Cemetery, 720 Florence Avenue, Inglewood, California

Claude Estee’s (Richard Dysart) house – Ennis-Brown House, 2607 Glendower Avenue, Los Angeles, California.

The movie premiere - Grauman's Chinese Theater, 6925 Hollywood Bouilevard, Los Angeles, California. This section of the boulevard was recreated at the studio, with the addition of a non-existing street directly in front of the theater.

See also...

Sunset Boulevard

The Player


  1. This movie is a masterpiece and you have done a great job in your passionate search.Bravo!

  2. Is the 2nd-to-last photo (Cecil B DeMille's The Buccaneer) done using matte shots (paintings on glass)? It seems too big to be re-created entirely in reality on a backlot.

    1. Probably, because Albert Whitlock is credited, a prominent special effects artist known for matte paintings.

  3. The miniature golf course and ping pong place that Tod and Faye are at after the movie (where he steals the movie still) is a Gittelson Brothers miniature golf course, and the sign they're parked under says it's on Hobart Bl. However, I can't see what the cross street is, but I have to assume it's Hollywood Blvd. There's a strip mall there (the New Hollywood Mall) which looks to be in the same location where the miniature golf used to be.
